On Feb. 19 my dear sister Micki passed away. She was 36 years old and for 33 of those years she fought a degenerative neurological disease. She was a perfect spirit in an imperfect body. Micki was also one of my best friends. She taught me so much about loving others and the true meaning of family.
I truly rejoice in the knowledge that she is living the beautiful life she always had inside of her when she was on Earth. She is standing, walking, talking, dancing, and singing and I seriously can not wait until I have the chance to see her again. I love to think about her perfect body and the fact that she is getting to do all of things that she once did. I love thinking about her being with our mother.
Even though I know she is in a better place it has been very hard to be without her. My whole life she has always been there ready to smile at me and brighten my day. I was very blessed to have her in my life and I can not imagine life without being taught the blessings of caring for and loving others as well as lesson to shun self-pity.
Today in primary the kids sang my favorite primary song, Families Can Be Together Forever. I tried to sing along but mostly sat in peace trying to hold back tears. I am so grateful for the knowledge of forever families. I look forward to being with my family forever and especially being re-united with Micki, Mom, and Lucas.