Thursday, November 25, 2010

Patricia Mangum 1955-2010

On this Thanksgiving day, I truly have so much to be thankful for. Mostly I am thankful for my family and friends. This past week I had to say goodbye to my mother and my best friend in the whole world. Although she was fighting cancer for almost 6 years there is still now way to prepare for such a devastating loss. I am very grateful to my Heavenly Father for the peace and comfort which I have received. I am also very grateful to have so many good friends who have poured out their prayers, love, and support.
As many of you know, my mom was awesome! She was funny, smart, and beautiful (that is where I get it from). She was always positive and loved life. She believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. She never missed a basketball or volleyball game I played in. During high school you would find me home hanging out with her most Friday nights. She set up my Junior Prom date because no one had asked me. She came to my seminary class to get me because she didn't have anyone to eat lunch with. She cried when I married the love of my life because she knew he was perfect for me, and she rocked our first child while he cried all night long. I could go on and on with stories, but mostly I just wanted to say Thank You. I love you Mom.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Robbie loves all thing Halloween. Spiders, Skeletons, Scary Monsters, Pumpkins, Candy, you name it - he loves it. So I was very excited for Halloween. He really liked being dressed up in his skeleton costume (k, so they were just pajamas) and handing out candy to other kids, but he wanted nothing to do with trick or treating himself. We decided that it would be fun to dress my mom and dad up as elephants for Halloween. They were good sports. Robbie loved our pumpkins and still likes seeing them on the door step every day even though they look very sad.

Friday, October 29, 2010

5, 6, and 7 Months Pregnant

Time flies when you are having fun :) I was going to edit out all the acne, but those of you who spend any time with me would have wondered where it went. I've had such bad cystic acne with this pregnancy. I am at the dermatologist every other week and it still wont go away. There is just nothing you can do when you are pregnant. It is worth being pregnant with a beautiful girl but I really hope she doesn't get my skin!

Robbie turns 2

Ok, so he turned 2 about a month ago. As you can tell I'm a little behind blogging. He is such a fun kid. He loves Buzz Lightyear, chasing Chino around, pretending to be a scary monster, eating corn, and playing Monster Trucks and Dinosaurs. We have a name for every toy he has and he loves calling every one of them by that name.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bountiful Backyard

Rob and I plant some sort of a garden every year. In our five years of marriage we have never been able to harvest anything from that garden. This year we have finally succeeded. It helps that we have a nice back yard with a big garden patch and that we've set up the watering on an automatic drip system. It has been so great to head outside every night after work and see what has been growing.

The start of our Raspberries.

The one pear growing on our pear tree.

Strawberries. It is amazing that any strawberries actually turn red because Robbie's favorite thing to do is pick them - when they are nice and green.

Two tomato plants. Planted the same day. One is growing to be the biggest tomato plant I have ever seen. The other is not.

Apple tree.

There are so many peaches on our peach tree. I hope they all keep growing.

The single blueberry growing on the smallest of 4 blueberry bushes.

And...that is not all I will be growing this summer. Along with the fruits and vegetables will be a baby. Ready to pick December 2010.

Congratulations Rob

Although he completed his Bachelors Degree in Accounting in December '09 Rob walked in graduation this May. Congratulations! We were so blessed that Rob found a full time accounting job in February that he absolutely loves. It has been such good experience for him and he can continue to work full time while he attends SUU this fall to work on his Masters of Accountancy.