Monday, October 12, 2009

One Year Old!

Last week Robbie turned one year old. I can hardly believe that he is that old. This first year has flow by so quickly. It seems like I should still have a tiny baby. This year he has learned how to do so many things. He talks like crazy. His favorite words are Dad, Mama, Dog, Duck (his first word), Cat, Bug, Up. He even says What is that? or I want that.


Amanda Raybould said...

Oh Lisa- he is SO ADORABLE!!!! Good on ya, Im lovin the whole golf course thing too. So fitting! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh my heck, he is adorable! I can't believe I still haven't seen him in person, we need to get together soon!

Amber said...

He looks too big in these pictures! They crack me up! He is too cute!

natalie johansen said...

I LOVE these pictures - he is such a beautiful boy!

Debra Mangum said...

Great pictures! Happy Birthday Robbie!